应航空学院“飞行器复杂流动与控制学科创新引智基地”邀请,美国宾州州立大学航天工程系Boeing/A. D. Welliver教授Philip J. Morris教授将于2018年5月15日至5月22日访问我校,期间将作两次有关喷流噪声预测方法和降噪技术的专题报告、并讲授8学时的气动噪声课程,欢迎广大研究生和高年级本科生报名选修(旁听)学习。
Philip J. Morris,美国宾州州立大学(The Pennsylvania State Universith)航天工程系Boeing/A. D. Welliver教授,APS Fellow(1995),AIAA Fellow(2002)。Morris教授于1971年获University of Southampton博士学位(导师Geoffrey M. Lilley),曾任职洛克希德公司,于1977年加入宾州州立大学。
Morris教授的研究方向为气动声学、计算声学、计算和实验流体力学。Morris教授为气动声学领域的权威专家,NATO咨询委员会成员,主持多项FAA、NASA、DOD、ONR等政府研究计划项目和Boeing、PW等企业研究项目,多次作为主席或组委会成员组织AIAA气动声学会议。Morris教授的研究成果发表在Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Journal of Computational Physics, AIAA Journal, Journal of Sound and Vibration等著名期刊上,引用数超过3500余次。
Seminar 1: 5月16日,上午9:00-10:00,航空楼A706
Sources of High Speed Jet Noise
This talk will cover the primary sources of high speed jet noise. A general overview based on experimental observations will be followed by a discussion of methods available for high speed jet noise prediction. Experiments will include spectra and overall sound pressure measurements as well as source location techniques based on far field measurements. Prediction approaches will include methods based on acoustic analogies, phenomenological models and numerical simulations. Some remaining modeling issues still to be resolved will be described.
Seminar 2: 5月21日,上午10:00-11:00,航空楼A706
Noise Reduction in High Speed Jets
This talk will review methods that have been developed for high speed jet noise reduction. The need for noise reduction is discussed. Early methods for noise reduction are described. The importance of high bypass ratio turbofan engines in commercial aircraft noise is described. Noise reduction for military and commercial supersonic aircraft is a separate issue and this will be emphasized. Both active and passive noise reduction methods will be described. Experiments and simulations at Penn State to develop a noise reduction method based on fluid inserts will be covered. Both small and larger scale experiments will be described.
Outlines of the short course“Aeroacoustics and Aircraft Noise”
Fundamental Aeroacoustics5月17日上午8:30-12:00,友谊校区西馆XB301
a) Introduction and Human Response
Basic properties of acoustics
Noise metrics
Aircraft noise certification
b) Elementary Acoustics
Wave equation in different coordinate systems
Green's functions
c) Sound Generation by Flow
Lighthill's acoustic analogy
Overview of turbulent flows
Subsonic and supersonic jet noise (overview)
d) Duct Acoustics
Circular and rectangular duct acoustics
Acoustic treatment
e) Turbomachinery Noise
Noise generation and propagation
Rotor/Stator interaction noise
Jet Aeroacoustics5月18日上午8:30-12:00,友谊校区西馆XB301
f) Empirical Prediction Methods
FSS and LSS spectra
Single jet predictions
Forward flight effect predictions
Dual stream jet predictions
d) Jet Noise Prediction
RANS-based methods:
i) Mixing Noise
ii) Broadband Shock-Associated Noise
Large scale structure/wavepacket noise radiation