航空学院青年学术论坛第151讲—香港理工大学 苏众庆 教授

发布日期:2019年05月30日      点击:次  |   审核:航空学院


报告人:香港理工大学 苏众庆 教授

邀请人:航空器设计工程系 李冰 副教授

  201966日上午 9:30-11:00


Recent Advances on Guided-ultrasonic-wave-based Structural Health Monitoring


The past two decades have witnessed prosperity in R&D of burgeoning structural health monitoring (SHM). However, SHM techniques, particular those make use of guided waves, are confronted a few of inherent bottlenecks including the restricted information that conventional linear features can convey, the inefficiency in detecting small-scale damage (e.g., fatigue cracks), and dilemma in striking a compromise between “sensing cost” and “sensing effectiveness”. All these have created a vast barrier towards the real-world deployment of the techniques developed in laboratories. Motivated by this, this talk summarizes the efforts dedicated by the research team led by the presenter over the years, with a hope to circumvent these bottlenecks, partially if not completely. In particular, a coated sensor network made of carbon black and PVDF will be introduced, which is able to facilitate in-situ active sensing of ultrasonic elastic waves. Innovatively, the sensor network can be deposited onto structures under inspection. Such a sensing philosophy retrofits conventional sensor network design, by providing a novel, quick and convenient means to configure a sensor network with quasi-dispersed sensing elements, and circumvents the possible drawbacks associated with the use of distributed sensors (e.g., PZT).



苏众庆博士现为香港理工大学机械工程系教授、系副主任,Elsevier 旗下Ultrasonics期刊主编 (Editor-in-Chief)Structural Health Monitoring: An International Journal (SAGE), Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering System (ASME)等期刊副主编,2016-2018年间任Journal of Sound and Vibration (Elsevier)副主编。主要研究方向包括结构健康监测、超声波、无损检测、传感器及传感器网络技术、智能材料与结构。已出版两部英文专著、多部国际会议论文集、英文专著章节,及260余篇学术文章,其中包括150SCI收录期刊文章。其中由 Springer-Verlag出版的 “Identification of Damage Using Lamb Waves: From Fundamentals to Applications” 为该领域第一本全面阐述该技术的专著。

截止2018年底,苏众庆教授发表的文章获得了~6000次的引用(目前 H-index 40)。其中三篇分列权威 SCI 期刊 NDT&E InternationalJournal of Sound and Vibration,以及 Structural Health Monitoring 全球排名第一、第二以及第五的最被引用文章。最高单篇引用逾1100次。2012年荣获结构健康监测-年度成就奖Structural Health Monitoring - Person of The Year (SHM-POY) Award)。2011年获香港理工大学校长特设卓越成就奖(研究类)2015 年获得欧盟科技创新奖,及教育部 2015 年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖。苏众庆教授为 2018 年第七届亚太结构健康监测国际会议(The 7th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring)的大会主席。




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