翱翔灵犀学术殿堂丨《Shape Changing Aircraft,Birds and Smart Materials》

发布日期:2022年12月12日      点击:次  |   审核:郑水平


Modern aircraft are built with specific missions in mind. For instance, passenger aircraft are designed for efficient flight while cruising and military aircraft are designed with high maneuverability in mind. This means that when passenger aircraft land and take off they are not efficient and when military aircraft cruise they are not efficient. The physics of flight dictates that one design cannot both be efficient in cruise and highly maneuverable. Hence the need for shape changing (called morphing) aircraft design. One approach to creating morphing designs is to use smart structures and materials. Another approach is to see how birds perform shape changing. This talk introduces avian inspired, smart material implemented morphing aircraft.




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版权所有 西北工业大学航空学院 | http://hangkong.nwpu.edu.cn
